This is Jau-Ruey. She's here in Taichung although coming soon to Canada.

Here she is stretching out in 50 Cent Tea House. If you are ever in Taichung, I'll have to take you there and you'll realize why the locals nicknamed it "the cave."

Here's an arty shot of collarbones. Yummy.

Here's Jau-Ruey all dressed up. She's standing in the gardens of her apartment buildings. Sadly the mosquitos just about drove us nuts, though we did have a bite counting contest afterwards which I think she won. Something close to 20 bites for her and 18 or 19 for me. Odd, as usually the mosquitos zone in on me where ever I am but I guess she had the 'advantage' as she was posing and standing still. hahahaha. I was at least a moving target for the hungry hordes.
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