Sunday, October 08, 2006

Fingas Barbeque!

Wow! It was a celebration of Mid-Autumn Festival, which falls on the 15th day of the Eighth month of the Chinese calendar. Fingas had a barbeque and I was lucky enough to sneak in and get some pictures and great snacks. Here's Rebecca, she takes great photos when she knows the camera is on! Check out Rex starting up the barby, FOOSH...hahaha...

Here are the main Barbequers DaJooToe and Rebecca. And someone hiding in the background...

Here, we have May-Ling and Rebecca. May-Ling was a super trooper and stood in front of the boiling hot Barbeque most of the night! She's holding a plate of really yummy curried beef pieces...Ummm, the beef was to DIE for!

Guess who was in town! That's right, it was number One Daughter and her hubby. She was in from Hong Kong. She had some great photos on her camera for me that showed Dereke and Adam in the airport as they had a few hours layover on their way to New Zealand. Adam looks even taller in photos that real life, wow, kids sure grow...

2006-10-09, fingas barbeque
Oct 5, 2006 - 29 Photos