Here is the result of my wonderful sister Quinne's gift to me. It was a hot pad and I put a hot pot on it for a minute and the smell of burning plastic started so when I examined it, the top red part had melted a bit. No problemo, I'll just wash it, I thought. Seeing as how I didn't want to waste and entire load on one little potholder, I threw it in. When Jau-Ruey decided to wash her undies, she threw them in on top and the poor little thing disintegrated...

But not without leaving a coded message behind...If you look carefully.... the only pieces of text that survived were...

Ahhh! The truth comes out! ahahahaha. So that's what the world's been trying to tell me this week! Quinne!!! I'm sure Jordo has the perfect quip here. hahaha. Send him the link, eh?
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