Friday, December 08, 2006

7 Day Scabby Update

Here's a quick shot of the healing process at exactly seven days, to the hour. Notice the skin flaking at the top already. Funny story, the part at the bottom was healing nicely until I took my blood pressure on that arm. As the cuff inflated my arm started aching but I figured, 'whateva' until SPLOOSH! my scabs popped and squirted all over the cuff and chair I was sitting in! Oops, lesson learned. hahaha To add insult to injury my bp was 140/90. Sigh.
Some nice color. I didn't bother to go back to the doctor yet, I just removed the stitches myself. My right leg is better too, but I still can't walk without a limp, do stairs or hit the bike as it refuses to bend to 90 degrees without feeling like someone is stabbing a knife in my quad muscle. The hardest part about dealing with the pain was chasing down codeine. Out of 9 places, one had a couple of tablets, the others hadn't heard of it. 300mg tylenol and 6mg codeine is the best anyone can do around here?? Grumble grumble. Ibuprofen is shockingly useless for me, perhaps I've built a tolerance through all the years of treeplanting? The good news is that being nauseous all the time is a great way to diet! Posted by Picasa


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