Coming along. The tape is covering a chunk missing out of my elbow. I'm going to tell people it was a piercing gone wrong. This is the elbow I've decided to drop on the punk who pulled in front of me as he's sticking to his story that I ran him in an intersection. He doesn't want to pay for my scooter and so we have to go through some Chinese B.S. to see who pays what to whom. M'eh. Just another story.

Now I have insight into how Goldmember feels (from Austin Powers 3). Alas, my joy at picking scabs has been cut short at 12 days and I had no 'keepers'.
The leg is healing too. Too slowly for my liking. Now that the swelling is down 75 percent, my knee is talking. Snap, crackle, and grinding really as things sort themselves out. I tried cardio on day 10 thinking I was cool - but errr, it was a pretty spectacular failure. Maybe tomorrow.
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