Sunday, January 07, 2007

Gifts from the homeland.

Well Well, what have we here? Seems some of us ARE appreciated. Ahhhh Thanks to the special one that sent this in with the bag of goodies that came back from the homeland. How did you know, Quinne, that I've been burning my hand on that *)&)(* Ikea pan forever! Ha! Hope you are using my hand blender! And have a box of chinese take out for me, while you are at it.
Pause for a moment, as I Diva for you. Jau-Ruey came back yesterday! Hoo Ray! Lots of fun stories and great photos and of course she came with some Season's Greetings in the form of loot. Got Underwear from the parents(I know it was Mom!) but it's the best in the Joe Boxer line, and makes me laugh. Got some other cool stuff too. A Misto mister, for cooking, etc. Not bad considering I live in Tinkland. Oh yeah! Posted by Picasa


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