Sunday, March 25, 2007


Hey, it's been a while. I think Blogger had some changeover problems, well, that and my general busy-ness these days. Really! I've not just been lazy, I promise.

So I've won a contest at to be a moderator and article writer. It's a small site devoted to trading invite tokens for a new tv-to-web idea being started by the makers of SKYPE, who recently sold Skype for 4.1Billion Canadian to Ebay. Ya! So currently their idea is to make television free to everyone with a broadband connection. Wow.

Invite tokens are like invitations to be a Beta tester for the new joost Software revisions. It's not heady stuff, more just feedback, but I'm really stoked about the idea. For me it's not so much the tv online, but rather the advertising possibilities. We're getting closer and closer to that Max Headroom world...

Also I've been busy with my small business fixing, tweaking, and upgrading local foreingers' computers. It's my hobby business but it's keeping me busy and on the run.

School is going well and I'm healthy. Miss you all. Have fun!


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