Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Taiwanese History

Last week was Chinese New Year, welcome to YEAR OF THE PIG. Little did I realize that last year (of the Dog) was my year, all year! Oh well, easy come, easy go. There were no travel plans and mostly I hung out reading.

Today is a holiday for most people in Taiwan. 2.28 day. 60 Years ago there was an incident in which an old woman was selling bootleg cigs. The authorities came by, beat her up, took her cigs and put her in the hospital. When a bunch of people when down to complain, they got shot at and 8 didn't make it home. As is the instinct, the kicked up a fuss all over the island and eventually, about 3 weeks later the big honcho from the mainland sent over troops to 'quell' the riots. Lots of people 'disappeared' and thus began the time they called "The White Terror".
Basically, lawyers, prosecutors, troublemakers and students were taken out, beaten, tortured and many (estimates vary) never came home. (120,000 to 150,000 over the course of some years.) Of course, it was illegal to talk about this until 1987 when it was finally officially recognized. They are still fighting about it to this day, as all sorts of opposition groups are howling about the injustices of 60 years ago. Taiwanese. Gotta love 'em.

Me, I'm working today and I never object to cash, so be it. My last week of 'holidays' was pretty blase as I never really left town except to visit my old home town of Chung Hwa, which was great as I got to see some old friends.
I did buy a projector, though! All hail the big screen! Due to intense INTENSE jealous of Mark Humphries masterful set up and Simone Clark's awesome machine, I've been plotting my purchase carefully... then it went on sale and who was I to say no?? Behold the Optoma EP-706. It's made slacking ever so wonderful, oh ya!

Well, that's about it for now. Oh and for Geek talk, I did manage to tweak my bittorrent downloads to hit my highest ever download rate of 786 Kb/s! Oh ya! I increased a buffer (going into the registry can be fun!)

That's all for now. Take care.