Thursday, August 31, 2006


This is Jau-Ruey. She's here in Taichung although coming soon to Canada.
Here she is stretching out in 50 Cent Tea House. If you are ever in Taichung, I'll have to take you there and you'll realize why the locals nicknamed it "the cave."
Here's an arty shot of collarbones. Yummy.
Here's Jau-Ruey all dressed up. She's standing in the gardens of her apartment buildings. Sadly the mosquitos just about drove us nuts, though we did have a bite counting contest afterwards which I think she won. Something close to 20 bites for her and 18 or 19 for me. Odd, as usually the mosquitos zone in on me where ever I am but I guess she had the 'advantage' as she was posing and standing still. hahahaha. I was at least a moving target for the hungry hordes. Posted by Picasa

Dorky Me, Second Batch.

Hey, I'm realizing that this is the second batch of photos, but if you are reading the blog you'll see this one first as the blog reads LIFO! (Last In First Out) Sonnofa..
I am looking at something.... Maybe one of the many spiders I thankfully harbor here in my room. They eat the mosquitos for me, and the ants. Yummy!
Me with hair back, glasses on. Hmmm. I wonder if I'm related to Max Headroom? Does anyone else remember that show? I even know how he got his name... Hmmm. I should see if there is a torrent somewhere for that...
More me. Happy me. I'm playing with the lighting on my Kodak V570 Camera. Yum. Posted by Picasa

The Many Dorky Faces of Me.

Hi, this is me. I'm trying to think here, alright! It doesn't come easy.
I'm in full blown thought mode here. But I can't seem to find the though lightbulb that's supposed to signify a good idea.
Caught in the act of a half smirk. Or maybe I'm singing. Either way, wierd.
Looking up, way up into the camera. I discovered it has a "close up shot of yourself" Mode. Wow. Technology, what will they think of next... Posted by Picasa

My Roomates

This is my former roomie Chris Carr, looking stunned beside the Stunning Mina. Mina's just whispered something in Chris's ear regarding her, ahem, ashtray.
Here's Chris, the next day. He just attracts this kind of photo opportunity!
Ash. Holding a fully customized Calgary "flames" shirt. I helped him customize the flames part by burning it on our kitchen stove to give it that authentic "Edmonton vs Calgary" rivalry look. hahahaha. Ash is a good sport though, and I'm going to get him some Edmonton memorabilia to make up for it.
Here's Jau-Ruey, stretching out in a Tea House here in Taichung. It's Chinese name is something like 50 Cents and it has no English name but wow, what a place. Jau-Ruey (pronounced Jerray) is also on the web now at You're net savy, get over there and check out her art...which I'm begging her to put on line! Posted by Picasa

The Humble Abode

Here's a quick shot of my room. Not much. All the important things are there. My laptop with a 19 inch as a second monitor. The air conditioner, which is quiet and keeps me sane in this weather. The window actually opens out to the laundry area and a wall, NOT the outside. Its a little hallway out there and it's covered on top with a Nice Plex-green plastic so whatever light does make it through isn't top notch. The picture on the wall is courtesy of Jau-Ruey. It's a shot of a stairwell, but I like it for it's Mandala-esque properties...

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Yellow Roses

Wow. Jau-Ruey and I went to a small plant store and picked up this yellow rose. Experimenting with my new camera and using Google Picasa2, these photos came out. As most people know about me, I don't have much of a visual memory and so when I do, every so often, see a visual image it's a big thing. This is pretty close to what I saw behind my eyes.
Jau-Ruey, awash in talent, can make anything look visually stunning. This is a smaller bud on my rose bush. Wow. I'll post the originals later so you can understand the before and after transformations. Jau-Ruey has a fine new camera as well, so please cajole her for photos, as she has no excuse not to get online and share! Posted by Picasa

First Entry

Hey all. This is my blog for pictures, mostly. For controversy you'll have to go to the original blog. But no one needs to worry about sending their *ahem parents or friends here.