This is my former roomie Chris Carr, looking stunned beside the Stunning Mina. Mina's just whispered something in Chris's ear regarding her, ahem, ashtray.

Here's Chris, the next day. He just attracts this kind of photo opportunity!

Ash. Holding a fully customized Calgary "flames" shirt. I helped him customize the flames part by burning it on our kitchen stove to give it that authentic "Edmonton vs Calgary" rivalry look. hahahaha. Ash is a good sport though, and I'm going to get him some Edmonton memorabilia to make up for it.

Here's Jau-Ruey, stretching out in a Tea House here in Taichung. It's Chinese name is something like 50 Cents and it has no English name but wow, what a place. Jau-Ruey (pronounced Jerray) is also on the web now at
www.jau-ruey.blogspot.com You're net savy, get over there and check out her art...which I'm begging her to put on line!