Wow. I love this pizza. Sausage and Jalapeno. Fingas Italian Restaurant, in Taichung, Taiwan. I've been hanging out there quite a bit lately, enjoying myself, I'd say gorging but I'm usually pretty reserved about totals, it's quality that counts. They make their own sausage, too.

This is Taichung on a clear day, after a night of rain. Usually a night of rain doesn't wash too much of the pollution out but sometimes early in the week before the smog from Mainland has drifted in and mixed with our own home grown air smut, you get a great view. The amazing thing is I live on a hill and very rarely see the mountains, certainly not every day. Yet they are right there, so close you can touch them.

Joo Toe, the master of this particular pizza with a nice setting shot, in Fingas restaurant.

Here is a typical classroom and a typical class. Great kids. This is Jau-Ruey's class that I'm subbing in and taking care of. The atypical part (for Westerners) is that this is on Saturday morning. Yes a full class on Saturday morning! Wow, the kids are pretty good about it too.