My Taiwanese Brother Vinnie is getting into cooking in a fantastic way. Here, he's starting to go the traditional Chinese way with 'Drunken Chicken' whereby you cook the meat by marinating it in wine for a couple of days. It turns the fat all funky too, kind of a rubbery texture. This is what it looked like straight out of the marinade.

Here you get a shot of the underside. The Chinese medicine he put in wasn't too strong. I think those are called "Wolf Berries" the small read ones, I mean. They are good for the memory. Also there are some roots and other herbs. Funny in Taiwan, Chinese Herbs are almost never green...

I've cut it here. The pink color isn't raw at all, it's just fresh meat. Usually, when this is served in a restaurant, it's a cheap cut of meat with a bone in and they just cut through it bone and all so eating it is a bit of an adventure. Vinnie's however, was awesome! It was all meat, a solid slab, WOW. The texture was great and the only thing I would say is tha the flavor hadn't penetrated all the way in yet, so I let it sit for another day.

Yum. It's a completely different texture. It's a unique experience that has to be tried to be understood. The Taiwanese often use textures in their food, mostly a strange fascination with gelatinous - from what I've seen. Similar to the trays of food you see pushed around a Dim Sum restaurant that all the HonKonGese are clamboring after.
Thanks Vinnie! It was great!