Monday, September 25, 2006

Some software stuff.

So listening to a song you are thinking, "what did he just say?" or maybe "I must be getting old because I can't understand the lyrics..."

Well fear not, now you can listen to the songs and have the lyrics loaded to your computer!

Download Winamp lite and use it as your music player.(Or you can use Windows Media 9 or 10, ack phfft!).

Download Evillyrics.


I'm sure I've also gushed over Picasa2 software from Google? Easy, fast, intuitive. You won't look back.

For those American citizens (or those of us savvy enough to use an anonymous proxy...) head over to and get yourself 1000M of email, that's right people a TERABYTE of email... (think Homer Drooling here...)

Hmmm. Me. I started a new job yesterday. They pay well, they have a decent system and four hours of teaching flies by like pies in the sky... sorry slipped into rhyme mode there, must be all the lyrics....

Monday, September 11, 2006

Sept 11

Well, it's 911, once again.

I highly recommend "Loose Change, second edition recut" It's here on Google videos:

Do it. If you have the Google player that is. If not GO here and watch it online or just download it from the button on the right hand side.

Google videos, welcome the future people.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

A perfect sandwich.

Here's a perfect Sandwich. It's cold smoked Trout on my favorite Foccacia bun that is speckled with black olives. It has cream Horseradish sauce. The side consists of Fried Sweet Potato Chips. Every bite courtesy of Fingas Deli here in Taichung. Ummm.... The price was around 6 dollars Canadian or 190 NT$.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Get A Haircut and ...

Here's me. Post Haircut. It's the first 'real' haircut I've had in years and yet I'm smiling. Oddly enough, the first question I had that night from a completely new class was, " why do you have long hair?" But it was so tough to describe to them that I actually had MEDIUM hair as far as I was concerned. Sigh...
Ok. I'm smiling, but am I really happy with my new 'doo? M'eh. Honestly, it's only hair and I'll always grow more...or will I?

Here, the truth is starting to show. Look carefully. I'm not as hairy as I seem. Apparently, the hairdresser has told me to part from my righthand side over as I'm balding on that side so I should cover it. You can see it in the picture if you strain your eyes. Otherwise, avoid beef and eat lots of Cabbage and you'll be as hairy as an extra to a Mark Wahlberg sequel.
Ya. I didn't shave. It's compensation for the blad spot... hahahaha. Seriously though. This is the shortest hair I've had in a decade and it was paid for (props to ) Jau-Ruey. DO NOT, under any circumstances, MENTION THIS TO SARAH, my last *ahem errrrr g/f. In fact, if you see her, disregard common curtesy and if necessary only mention that I've contracted syphillitic leprosy and been quarantined to a small island south of Japan. What the hell, it's not my fault women have a bitter gene that men missed out on... hahahahahha Posted by Picasa